Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Friday, August 15, 2014


While getting rid of a breast lump I went on a mainly raw plant based diet with fish & seafood as my cheats…The picture shows one of my creations, which I varied a bit from day to day…
Here is what is in that bowl today…
Salad dressing:
Dijon horseradish mustard(several large globs)
Apple Cider Vinegar(some healthy squirts)
Olive Oil(a generous pour)
Squeeze a whole lemon & let the seeds fall in too & eat them they are healthy & anti-cancer 
grape tomatoes(a whole lot)
sugar snap peas(an entire bag)
sesame seeds(like a cup-alot)
a nut & seed mix with dried cranberries & raisins & pumpkin seeds & nuts(a whole bagful)
one tin of smoked mussels for protein with the oil too
one green apple chopped in pretty big pieces easy
shredded cabbage salad with some other shredded stuff like brussel sprouts & carrots(one half bag)
a giant avocado in big pieces
a Fork…
Netflix:am currently watching Damages with Glenn Close, & more stars but am too hungry to write them down…
Eat a giant salad daily…at least one…Have been eating leftover salad at breakfast & sometimes lunch too…Tons of energy!
Lost 25 lbs without feeling hungry…
Now I look at restaurant food & think :”my salad is better!”…

Friday, July 11, 2014 See the Book trailer for our 3rd Book! (changing a breast lump from malignant to benign is one of the big ideas!)

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Our 3 Books from the Grove Health Science Series, free to read, now, online!

You can read our 3 books(Grove Health Science Series) for free right now as PDFs on Scribd!!! 

Click on the book covers to get there…



Beautiful paperback versions of the 3 Grove Health Science Series of Books are here on Amazon…

Tiny free versions for your mobile device(say iPhone) in Kindle & epub & more versions are here on Smashwords…(get the free Kindle app for mobile before downloading!)

P.s. The 3rd book is still getting some updates added…I want to add how I got rid of my breast lump to the end of that book…But I am still doing it, so I am holding off the final edition until I have totally succeeded…But yes, there are answers…(hint: Blue Boy herbs has Poke root-Iris tincture which has excellent success rates at exactly this-getting rid of a breast lump… (for about $48 dollars/16 oz. Poke-Iris tincture, you could avoid surgery!!!)
Oh…You can also get our mobile APP by just typing from an internet browser on your iPhone or other mobile…(add to Home page to get the swan icon)…You can see the App right now on your desktop by going to right now…It totally works from a desktop too…

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Do It Yourself Medicine

Do It Yourself Medicine

The above link takes you to this place...

Changemakers is one of those places where you promote a project & people rip you apart...

This is called feedback...

It takes up much of your time & sometimes money...

The reward is usually you get a better project...

If you actually listen to them ripping you apart, instead of ignoring feedback which I sometimes do...

Feel free to see what we are doing there...

It's about our App...

The App itself is at

Here is that link made hot...

Wednesday, September 18, 2013