Sunday, May 1, 2011

here is where I am at with the trumpeter swan Outdoor sculpture...I am thinking of letting the cement fondue cure for the next 30 days & then laying on a final coat...
I can't decide how I am going to finish the top layer- plus I maybe have to get permissions to finish the work on site- it is too heavy to finish at home studio...
Thinking of doing a mix of this recipe:
Kings white mortar mix (which contains sand & limestone already) + AcryliBond acrylic resin cement bonder liquid+ either 3/4 inch glass fiber strands (chopped strands from Kreitmaker in Toronto), or maybe, possibly, cut up steel wool if it is galvanized (hot dipped in zinc to rust-proof it)...Or I'm just going to use Winterstone icing mix plus glass plus acrylic resin- costs more maybe, but more of a sure thing may.18, 2011 Please Vote now for us to be able to continue feeding Trumpeter Swans...(voting is daily, one vote per day can go to us, from May 1st to June 30th, 2011)...(The top 4 ideas get 5K)...
May 9, 2011: Doing the bottom...So far weight is 12 lbs. plus 1lb., +8.5 lbs, +8.5 lbs. +2 lbs. + 33 lbs + 4.5 lbs. = 69.5 lbs. total weight )Ok, picture is showing not quite the full 69.5 lbs. I still have about 15 lbs to add here...)
Materials: Apoxie Sculpt super white, black, JB weld 2 part epoxy putty, Winterstone Sculpting material, 1/2 inch & 1/4 inch glass fibres for strength, 48 feet chicken wire, Sisal rope, 3 coat hangers unraveled...
Subject: a Trumpeter Swan Size: 70 inches long  by 30 inches wide by 30 inches high (actually probably more than that now, this was measured before I put on sculpting material on armature so...)

The video shows a Trumpeter Swan Outdoor public art sculpture that we are working on now ... (adding a new material called Winterstone)...
Tempesta 36x48x2-1/4" oil on canvas by Sari Grove 2011 for sale

Magnolia 36x48X1-3/4" oil on canvas by Sari Grove 2010 for sale

Swanee 70x30x30" Outdoor Public Art Sculpture work in progress

Artificial Trumpeter swan nest prototype 15 rolls 1/4" Sisal 

   Above are some works by Sari...

(This is a Globe & Mail comment I wrote about Multiple Sclerosis & the new-fangled surgical procedures):

  People in hot sunny climates don't get MS... Which points to Vitamin D as a huge factor in prevention & cure... Before signing up for an expensive & potentially dangerous procedure, biotherapy options should be attempted... To be clear, what I mean is that someone with multiple sclerosis should be sitting outside in a bathing suit every day with coconut oil on & getting a long deep dark tan... The natural Vitamin D from the sun should help enormously... If it is winter, or you live in a dark place, then you can order Vitamin D patches online, you can chew Vitamin D chews available from your local drugstore, or you can take an oral supplement... The zinc content from light is significant enough to re-balance lead excess in the thyroid- the light acts as a natural chelator of lead...

response; It is not that the sun is not helping you in Mexico, but an additional factor peculiar to your country which is unusual...For much longer than other countries, Mexico kept using leaded gasoline...It is that lead content in your bloodstream that is hampering the sun's cure...You will still benefit from sunlight, but you have much more additional lead in your system than people from countries where lead fuels were banned...

cure for cancer: Madagascar Periwinkle contains vinpocetine the active ingredient in chemotherapy, you can buy it over the counter as a tea...Cure for cancer


Anonymous said...

What a great web log. I spend hours on the net reading blogs, about tons of various subjects. I have to first of all give praise to whoever created your theme and second of all to you for writing what i can only describe as an fabulous article. I honestly believe there is a skill to writing articles that only very few posses and honestly you got it. The combining of demonstrative and upper-class content is by all odds super rare with the astronomic amount of blogs on the cyberspace.

grovecanada said...

Flattery will get you nowhere...Though I appreciate the thoughts, please refrain from further adulation, for I will exploit you & dominate you & soon you will be doing my biddings...Please do not let that happen-I thrive only with a casual nod, anything more & I try to take over the world...Sari p.s.though I may call on you when I am down in the dumps...But it is spring now & happiness is not far behind...Cheers friend...

grovecanada said...

4 Reasons NOT to use Payday Loans

grovecanada said...

Payday loans keeps spamming this blog so I found out that the interest on a 200 dollar loan is 20 dollars for two weeks...That means in 20 weeks you will owe double...400 dollars on a 200 dollar loan in 5 months...Plus they are spamming me like crazy which makes them personally annoying ...